Wednesday, September 02, 2009


It works! It's working!


I can officially say that i have found a 'medicine' for my frequent mood swings.

although the side effect might make me seem high, for a while.

but hey, whatever works, works. okay? its better than me moping around all day.

so now as long as i take care to not miss taking this 'miracle drug' my mood swings will be more or less stable.



Davis said...

eheh... secret... but if u come back to kt i tell you. XD

stupid monk said...

wow... i wanna to have ur secret potion....
zam zam alakazam!!!!!

Davis said...

it wont work on you la. the label clearly states "strictly human consumption only..."
nanti u die of poisoning... o.O

MiKi Gan said...

Sigh....Ling Wei
Why are you allowing a monkey to post comment on your blog ???

Davis said...

aih... cannot help it ma. cuz my blog public. and monkeys are public animals... haha.

Davis said...
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stupid monk said...
