Monday, August 02, 2010

One fine morning at the hatchery...

Okay. So before I begin my story, put this picture in your mind. A guard house, and next to it a shaded pondok of sorts where three cars can be parked.

So every morning I have to go and wash my tanks in the hatchery and that day was no different. As I was returning the key from the hatchery to the guard house one rainy day, I passed by the pondok and noticed a moving umbrella. Then only did I notice some guy standing behind the umbrella. Okay so it wasn’t really sunny but the area wasn’t that dark either, but the skin colour of the guy standing behind the umbrella was so dark that it looked just like the shadows behind him. I couldn’t even see his face properly, just his legs and that also was hard to look at – being blended into the background so much.

I ignored him and walked on, thinking that he was some person hiding from the rain.

No, the point wasn’t his skin colour. Read on.

I returned the key to this young male guard, (normally its one of those older looking ones but that day the young one was on duty so, yeah.) before heading to my car parked a couple of meters away. As I was unlocking my car, I heard the yelling from some guy. It was a deep throaty yell, like the barking of a dog or roaring of some animal. (my back was turned towards the yell so at first I thought some wild animal escaped into campus O.O)

The yelling startled me and I saw that guard screaming and shouting like come crazy person. Then he ran out flinging a chair around. At that point I started to be afraid – eh, some guy yelling and screaming like he was dirasuk combined with a chair (possible weapon) running out weh!

I panicked and quickly stood behind my car, ready to run (the idea of simply driving off didn’t hit yet) then I saw the guard pointing at something in the pondok admist all the shouting and yelling. Initially when I looked in that direction I didn’t see anything so I was half convinced this guy was hallucinating or something. Then I heard another voice shouting in response to the guard’s yells.
Only THEN did I notice the guard was pointing at that black guy I ignored earlier. Turns out underneath the umbrella he was only wearing a colourful piece of string like a belt.


What startled me more was the guard yelling lo. (seriously like so madman/animal yang dirasuk)

Not the flasher.

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