anyway a quick post on my langkawi trip. supposedly field trip but it sorta came up to be a chocolate smuggling event for most of my coursemates... whuddya believe some of them spent RM300++ just on chocolates??!! o.O
upon our arrival we were ushered to a really unbelievably money making thief of a tourist trap. this.
since it was so goddamn long and we were so goddamn bored and we were in a 3D movie theatre wearing 3D glasses...
i find this REALLY REALLY nice picture of horses. WAH SO SPIRITED!!!!
as we WERE on a educational field trip, i took pictures of educational things also la. don't ask me to post. very boring one. but this fella looks as if it was posing for the camera so i decided to post this one. ^-^
see. so cute right.
although it says UNDERWATER on the sign it had this snake guy asking people to take pictures with his snake. i thought "what the heck, RM10 only ma..." and proceeded to drag my friends to take pictures.
so nice la the uncle.
sad news is we were so intent on smuggling as much chocolates as we could from the shops beside UWL the bus left us. we, being bored, did this.
eh not our fault okay. even our lecturer got stuck behind with us. STUPID bus driver punya pasal.
the next day we went to LANGKAWI BIRD PARADISE. (or so it says la BIRD paradise on the sign). inside ah, got monkey la, mousedeer la, this la.
of course there was birds and there were many pictures taken for future report writing reference (which reminds me, have to pass up next week). one of the less formal ones.
you how how heavy that thing is?
and he banged the sharp point on his ankle at somewhat full force. dah la he is VERY not thin. of course got alot of stored energy right.
kesian salty fish.
end of langkawi report. next up. our bioM annual dinner.
i went to the annual dinner.
normal people dressed like this:
haha.... sorry for the disappointment i caused to my coursemates who was looking forward to see me in something other than pants, as they later stated. ^-^ maybe next sem.
to say many pictures were taken that night is nothing less than an understatement. but as i'm so free right now i'll put up one.
most of the night pictures are yellowish due to the lack of light and my camera's low light settings. the rest i'm gonna upload on facebook. someday.
all of these are taken from MY camera. there were OTHER people with cameras and pictures in them but i havent found the time to take the pictures from their machines yet.
wait la. not free now. as of now, i bid you farewell. until next post. XD