Years ago I used to think that listening to music was a total waste of time. A needless hobby which has no benefits whatsoever. So much, that I would question everyone back then about why they’d do such a pointless thing.
The answer I most frequently got was: because it was relaxing.
I was even more confused. To the me back then, music was nothing but noise. If you I wanted to relax, it would be better if I was in some dark room, devoid of everything.
Yeah, back then a pure combination of total darkness, silence and solitude was my only way of releasing stress.
Still is, though. Just not the ONLY way anymore.
I don’t know since when, but I have come to realize what I did not before. That listening to music was relaxing.
Because it gives me something to focus on. To escape the literal world I live in.
This is also partially why I like music with good lyrics. Because its something more concrete that I can focus on apart from the shapeless melody that accompanies it. Of course the melody complements the lyrics. Or else I’d be more of a fan of poems, won’t I?
Poems are not bad, by the way. ^^
It’s a bad habit, actually. To focus so much on music that you I tend to ignore everything else around me.
I’d turn on the volume so loud that often I don’t realize that my attention was needed elsewhere until I see frantic body/hand movements from someone else.
Somehow the loud music brainwashes my mind and throws me into a pseudo-consciousness that lies to me. Saying:there’s no one around you. Your world is only consists of what you can see. Other than that, nothing exists, even space. Everything around you is just a limitless black vortex.
ooh~ brainwash in progress~
Yeah. That’s actually what I see when I’m focused on something, in case anyone was wondering. Nothing but the thing I’m handling. Haha.
I think I’m getting to much off track.
Actually the purpose of this update is this:
My new baby!!!
It’s JUST toooo Friggin AWESOME!!!!! XD
I’m an extremely materialistic person. I know.
It’s not my fault that I like inanimate objects better than humans. It’s just that I don’t like them enough.
If I like it, I get thrown into total obsession. ^^
I just don’t have a reason to get obsessed over humans at the moment.